[How To] Ten Count Smartphone Game “Another Days”
After the release of the Ten Count smartphone game “Another Days” for Ameba (a Japanese social media/blogging platform) got postponed...
[Drama CD] Jackass!
Adblocker is removing all links to CDJapan, which makes especially the goods posts completely useless ? Please whitelist Sareru.net to...
[News] Deutsche BL Manga Releases Ende 2017/Anfang 2018
Freunde der Liebe, diejenigen von euch die mir auf Twitter folgen, werden es schon lange wissen, für alle anderen hier...

Jealousy Goods
Some of you may know that I’m running the @scaberi_news Twitter, where I translate tweets by Scarlet Beriko and share...
Yuri!!! on ICE Goods
Adblocker is removing all links to CDJapan, which makes especially the goods posts completely useless ? Please whitelist Sareru.net to...

[Recommendation] Sternensammler von Anna Backhausen und Sophie Schönhammer
Noch nicht dem Sternensammler-Wahn erlegen? Dann wäre jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt dafür! Gerade sind der erste Sammelband und das erste...
[News] Deutsche BL Manga Releases 2017
Ich hab heute mal wieder Amazon unsicher gemacht, um mal nachzusehen, welche neuen Releases ich fürs nächste Jahr bisher verpasst...

[Review] Garasu Goshi no Kimi he by Kuromame Mugicha
Adblocker is removing all links to CDJapan, which makes especially the goods posts completely useless ? Please whitelist Sareru.net to...
[Review] Minori no Te by Scarlet Beriko in German
As some of you already know, I’m a HUGE fan of Scarlet Beriko, and this week she finally had her...

[Review] Okaeri Densha by Uchida Kaworu
Adblocker is removing all links to CDJapan, which makes especially the goods posts completely useless ? Please whitelist Sareru.net to...