[Review] Garasu Goshi no Kimi he by Kuromame Mugicha
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SO ADORABLE. Most of this manga runs as 4-koma gag style with Takahiro being cute and oblivious and just wanting to make his first friend, and Taishi thinking about how banging him from behind while standing up would be really nice. High school sure is fun like this.
Takahiro is smart and sweet, but was always bullied in school, so when he starts high school he befriends the guy sitting behind him, Taishi. Taishi is a huge guy, former basketball club member and the first thing we see of him is Taishi thinking how much he wants to do the frickle-frackle with Takahiro after the boy greets him in class. There’s a lot of adorable situations and given Takahiro’s backstory there’s also a bit of sweet drama, but generally this book is dominated by fluffy comedy.
(I’m still laughing at the author’s pen name, since it’s “black beans” and a kind of tea popular in Japan lmao)
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